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Feng Shui for Us Consultant Training for Businesses
Step 1: Ensuring Business Wholeness
Step1-00-The-Money-Barrel (9:11)
Step-1-Complete-Floor-Plan-01 (10:09)
Step-1-Complete-Floor-Plan-02 (4:21)
Step-1-Complete-Floor-Plan-03 (2:41)
Step-1-Complete-Floor-Plan-04 (1:32)
Step-1-Complete-Floor-Plan-05 (2:53)
Step-1-Complete-Floor-Plan-06 (7:28)
Step1-Business-Models-Moni (13:03)
Step-Wholeness-Business-Model-Building-07 (4:04)
Step-1-Wholeness-Business-Model-Equipment-Staff-08 (3:34)
Step-1-Culture-Mission-09 (6:41)
Step-1-Culture-Mission-10 (7:46)
Step1-Culture-Mission-11 (10:27)
Step1-Culture-Vision-12 (7:49)
Step1-Culture-Tagline-Slogan-Phrase-13 (5:04)
Step1-Culture-Business-Branding-14 (4:07)
Step1-Culture-Branding-Personal-15 (5:26)
Step1-Culture-target-Market-16 (5:10)
Step1-Internet-Presence-17 (4:59)
Step1-Legal Wholeness-18 (2:52)
Step1-Internet-Overwhelm-19 (3:36)
Step 2: Creating Business Balance
Yin and Yang Are Not a Pendulum (6:31)
Step-2-Balance-Building-Hallway-01 (13:01)
Step-2-Balance-Building-Office-02 (2:28)
Step-2-Balance-Building-Makeup-03 (6:31)
Step-2-Balance-Building-Restaurant-04 (5:50)
Step-2-Balance-Building-Small-Office-05 (3:13)
Step-2-Balance-Building-Exposed-Cubicle-06 (2:17)
Step-2-Balance-Building-High-Ceilings-07 (3:03)
Step-2-Balance-Building-Low-Ceilings-08 (1:07)
Step-2-Balance-Building-Dark-Light-09 (3:53)
Step-2-Balance-Building-Other-Imbalances-10 (4:03)
Step-2-Business-Charity-Hobby-11 (6:38)
Step-2-Business-Life-vs-Work-12 (5:19)
Step-2-Business-Time-vs-Money-13 (4:47)
Step-2-Balance-Basic-Professional-14 (4:18)
Step-2-Balance-Separate-Connect-Auto-15 (2:29)
Step-2-Balance-Website80-Social20-16 (2:41)
Step-2-Balance-Advertising-Time-Budget-17 (4:56)
Step-2-Balance-Pricing-Upper-Lower-18 (2:03)
Step-2-Balance-Pricing-Fair-19 (2:11)
Step-2-Balance-Moroccan-20 (5:24)
Step-2-Balance-Umbrella-21 (3:31)
Step 3: Generating and Promoting Business Vitality
Step3-Vitality-and-Chi-01 (5:56)
Step3-Middle-of-the-Street-02 (2:32)
Step3-Flanked-by-larger-Businesses-03 (3:10)
Step3-Strip-Mall-04 (1:54)
Step3-Mall-05 (4:39)
Step3-Online-Location-06 (3:13)
Step3-IndustryStandards-SEO-NoTricks-07 (2:49)
Step3-SEO-Individualize-08 (2:41)
Step3-HiddenData-09 (2:46)
Step3-SEO-Niches-10 (3:21)
Step3-Hidden-Data-Description-11 (2:41)
Step3-Description-Specific-12 (2:45)
Step3-PeoplevsSearchEngines-GoogleMaps-13 (2:12)
Step3-Global-14 (3:06)
Step3-APageEachSearch-Leader-15 (3:40)
Step3-BeDaring-Backlinks-16 (2:51)
Step3-Visibility-17 (3:17)
Step3-WaterOutside-18 (3:48)
Step3-ThreeTypesofSigns-19 (3:35)
Step3-NotFacingtheRoad-20 (3:21)
Step3-OnlineVisibility-21 (1:55)
Step3-VideosandImages-22 (2:31)
Step3-MatchingWebPageandVideo-23 (4:54)
Step3-MatchingWebPageandImage-24 (3:45)
Step3-Infographic-25 (4:07)
Step3-ChoosingSocialMedia-26 (4:14)
Step3-Pinterest-Insta-Linked-Tube-27 (3:19)
Step3-Buttons-Links-Posts-28 (3:57)
Step3-Questions-WhentoPost-29 (3:01)
Step3-Recycling-GooglePlus-30 (2:34)
Step3-Consistency-31 (1:46)
Step3-Access-Parking-32 (3:49)
Step3-ClearMainEntrance-33 (2:56)
Step3-WelcomingAndSafe-34 (2:58)
Step3-ARemarkableDoor-35 (3:17)
Step3-MingTang-OpenClose-Round-36 (3:21)
Step3-SafetyElements-Summary-37 (2:06)
Step3-AccessHomeBased-38 (3:39)
Step3-OnlineAccess-39 (3:49)
Step3-OneGoal-Images-Simplicity-40 (4:17)
Step3-Optin-Navigation-Safety-41 (4:12)
Step3-Welcoming-OpenSpace-42 (1:46)
Step3-Water-Aquarium-43 (3:18)
Step3-WaterFountain-44 (2:22)
Step3-WaterfallbyDoor-45 (3:36)
Step3-WhatTheySeeFirst-LogoID-46 (2:27)
Step3-WhatTheySeebackDoor-47 (4:04)
Step3-MeanderingWalk-48 (1:53)
Step3-Eyesores-49 (2:51)
Step3-WelcomeTable-Reception-50 (4:52)
Step3-WaitingRooms-LoungeAreas-51 (3:09)
Step3-Engagement-Turnaround-52 (4:23)
Step3-WatchFloor-RoundCorners-53 (3:33)
Step3-DontGroupBestSellers-54 (1:48)
Step3-AreCustomers-Allowed-55 (0:47)
Step3-MeanderingFlow-56 (3:32)
Step3-Staircases-57 (2:59)
Step3-OpenSpiralStaircase-58 (1:35)
Step3-Escalators-Elevators-59 (2:31)
Step3-StagnantCorners-Air-Change-60 (2:44)
Step3-BathroomsDrains-61 (3:34)
Step3-Angles-SlantedWalls-62 (2:36)
Step3-OutdoorShars-63 (4:56)
Step3-64-WelcomingWebsite (4:25)
Step3-65-OnlineWelcomeReception (4:02)
Step3-66-SpiritualVitality (4:39)
Step3-67-HelloGoodbye (3:03)
Step3-68-TelephoneandVoiceMail (3:13)
Step3-69-AnsweringFromHome-Skype (3:56)
Step 4: Connect with Nature
Step4-01-Intro (3:28)
Step4-02-Clocks-Calendars (2:49)
Step4-03-holidays (2:59)
Step4-04-Outdoor-Sales (2:57)
Step4-05-window-every-room (1:34)
Step4-06-Plants (3:53)
Step4-07-Natural-Artificial-Light (0:53)
Step4-08-Controlling-Sunshine (3:57)
Step4-09-Light-Bulbs (2:39)
Step4-10-Floor-Ceiling-WIndows (3:46)
Step4-11-Time-and-Timing (6:48)
Step4-12-Everything Connected - Up to Date Info - Comparing Year to Year (2:59)
Step 5: Create Color and Pattern Harmony
Step5-01-The Five Elements (2:46)
Step5-02-Colors-and-the-Five-Elements (10:12)
Step5-03-Mother and Child Colors (2:53)
Step5-04-Intro-to-Color-Proportions (4:11)
Step5-05-Yin-or-Yang-Color-Results (1:26)
Step5-06-Predominance-of-Water-Colors (3:39)
Step5-07-Predominance-of-Wood-Colors (2:15)
Step-05-8- Predominance-of-Fire-Colors (3:15)
Step5-09-Predominance-of-Earth-Colors (3:59)
Step5-10-Predominance-of-Metal-Colors (3:19)
Step5-11-Compensating-for-color-Excesses (2:12)
Step5-12-Fixing-Excess-of-Water-Wood-Fire- Element (4:23)
Step5-13-Fixing-Excess-of-Earth-Metal-Element (4:10)
Step5-14-Elements-Materials-Shapes-Images (6:21)
Step5-15-Choosing-Colors-for-Business (5:06)
Step5-16-Choosing-Colors-Shapes-Logo (1:06)
Step5-17-Sign-Colors-Shapes (2:32)
Step5-18-Visual-Samples-Color-Proportions (3:39)
Step5-20-Defining-Online-Colors (10:21)
Step5-19-Choosing-Colors-Client-Areas (5:37)
Step5-21-Colors-Online-Business (5:08)
Step5-22-The Five Elements in Business Management (1:29)
Step5-23- The Five Elements In Business Structure (6:21)
Step5-25- Exploring the Destructive Cycle (2:04)
Step5-26- Starting a Business with the Elements (7:14)
Step 6: Using the Right Language
Step6-1- Using the Right Symbols - Choosing a Business Name (5:36)
Step6-2- The Language of Signs (6:16)
Step6-3- The Mouth of Chi (2:36)
Step6-4- The Language of Floors (2:33)
Step6-5- The Language of Walls (12:02)
Step6-6 - The Language of Degrees, Mentions, Trophies, and Awards (2:33)
Step6-7 - The Language of Paintings, Photographs and Posters (2:53)
Step6-8 - The Language of Mirrors (5:42)
Step6-9- The Language of Plants (3:30)
Step6 - 10 - The Language of Furniture (10:09)
Step6-11- The Language of Family and Pet Photos (2:17)
Step6-12- The Language of Personal Objects (1:06)
Step6-13- The Language of Indoor Signs (1:33)
Step6 -14- The Language of Business Cards, Brochures and Billboards (3:46)
Step6-15- Communicating with Clients (3:03)
Step6-16- The Language of You (8:25)
Step6-17- Using Other People's Resources (2:17)
Step6-18- The Language of Marketing (5:22)
Step6-19- Number One in Your Niche (1:37)
Step6-20 - Only One Main Idea (7:39)
Step6-21- Meeting Customer's Emotional Needs (10:52)
Step6-22-The Need to Trust (4:55)
Step6-23-The Need to Act (2:44)
Step6-24- Sales Language - Customers and Fans (4:26)
Step6-25 - Sales Language - Your Voice or The Voice of Your Business (1:03)
Step 7: Decluttering and Organizing
Step7-1- Decluttering and Organizing (4:15)
Step7-2- Business Karma (1:29)
Step7-3- The Lifespan of Things (2:59)
Step7-4- Electronic Devices (5:03)
Step7-5 - Digital Clutter and Organization (1:25)
Step7-6 - Cleaning Devices and Supplies (2:15)
Step7-7 - Paper (4:02)
Step7-8- Laundry (0:52)
Step7-9 - Food (3:24)
Step7-10 - Industry Specific Items (0:42)
Step7-11- Merchandise Density (2:33)
Step7-12 - Merchandise Organization (1:19)
Step7-13- Uncluttered Entrances and Hallways (0:47)
Step7-14 - Empty Spaces Under Furniture (0:40)
Step7-15 - Storage (2:14)
Step7-16 - Good Systems (1:48)
Step7-17 - Maintenance (1:52)
Step7-18 - Decluttering Energy - New Construction (4:18)
Step7-19- Decluttering Energy - Previous Businesses (2:42)
Step7-20 - The Feng Shui Clearing (6:57)
Step7-21- Clearing Negativity from Irate Customers (4:07)
Step7-22 - Reducing the Effects of EMFs (4:08)
Step7-23- Decluttering Negative Perceptions About the Business (3:47)
Step 8 - Enhance the Life Areas
Step8-1-Destiny: Your Pact or Contract with Heaven (9:31)
Step8-2- The Seed and the Business Seed (5:02)
Step8-3- The Vector (2:16)
Step8-4- Free Will (3:35)
Step8-5- Wu-Wei (3:07)
Step8-6- Spiritual Fire Over Energetic Water (4:35)
Step8-7- Connecting Heaven and Earth (2:13)
Step8-8- The Transmuting Power of Heaven (1:47)
Step8-9- Eight Forces and a Void (1:29)
Step8-10 - Forces of Nature Explained (12:43)
Step8-11- Nine Life Areas (7:09)
Step8-12- Projecting the Life Areas (6:35)
Step8-13- Life Area 1: Career, Life Mission and Individuality (10:43)
Step8-14- Life Area 2: Marriage, Relationships, and Partnerships (6:22)
Step8-15- Life Area 3: Health, Family and Community (6:02)
Step8-16- Life Area 4: Wealth, Prosperity and Self-Worth (5:18)
Step8-17- Life Area 5: Center of Good Fortune and Gratitude (4:37)
Step8-18- Life Area 6: Helpful People, Spiritual Life and Travel (5:20)
Step8-19 - Life Area 7: Children, Creativity and Fun (5:32)
Step8-20- Life Area 8: Wisdom, Self-Knowledge and Rest (4:11)
Step8-21- Life Area 9: Fame, Reputation and Social Life (5:30)
Step8-22 - Where to Place LIfe Area Enhancements in Big Businesses (3:08)
Step 9: Use the Power Position
Step9-1 - Front and Back / Left and Right (5:24)
Step9-2 - The Celestial Animals Formation (3:31)
Step9-3 - The Traditional Feng Shui Office (3:12)
Step9-4 - The Power Position (4:16)
Step9-5 - Various Office Layouts (3:16)
Step9-6- Board Rooms and Power (2:10)
Step9-7- Power Through Growth: Profit, Influence and Impact (8:57)
Step9-8- Teach Customers How to Refer to Your Business (7:31)
Promoting Your Feng Shui Consultant Business to other Businesses
Sample Lecture to a Business Networking Group (28:46)
Teach online with
Step6-9- The Language of Plants
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