Prevent Problems in Your Home Before You Build or Remodel

Building or remodeling a home can be very expensive, even more if you make mistakes.

Having Moni analyze your floor plan before you build or remodel can help you see issues with the design that would be much harder to correct later on.

Consider this:

  • Your architect, interior designer or builder may not have explained to you fully the changes they intend to make. They may be assuming that you know how to read and interpret everything in their floor plans.
  • Other professionals may lack awareness of how the alignment and location of doors, windows and staircases can affect your home negatively.

It's a lot easier to move lines on a floor plan than it is to move walls in a home or business site!

In a Simple Balance™ Feng Shui Home Floor Plan Analysis Moni takes a thorough look at your floor plan for new construction or remodeling.

Moni checks that:

  • Your floor plan does not contain any Feng Shui mistakes that would translate into costly building mistakes, or require further remodeling in the future.
  • The general layout of your floor plan and future home promotes balance, vitality and harmony.
  • The location and design of the kitchen is done in a way that helps you grow your wealth instead of curtailing it.

Why a Feng Shui Floor Plan Analysis is Important

These are some factors that can make or break your Feng Shui Luck in a new or remodeled construction:

  1. Layout of the main entrance, from the curb to the front door.
  2. Location and shape of staircases, hallways, and bathrooms.
  3. The distribution of doors and windows in every bedroom in the home. If done wrong, this could ruin your rest and interrupt your sleep.

Why Moni is the ideal person to check your floor plan for you:


  • Earned her degree in Architecture in the Central University in Ecuador.
  • Has been practicing Feng Shui for over 20 years.
  • Has 8 published text books on Feng Shui.
  • Is the creator of the Nine Steps to Feng Shui® System, a step by step method that takes the confusion out of Feng Shui, simplifying it without taking away any of its efficacy.
  • Trains people all over the world to become Feng Shui Consultants.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can a Simple Balance™ Feng Shui Home Floor Plan Analysis be done long distance?

Yes, you just need to send Moni a clear, updated copy of your floor plan.

2. How can I send Moni the floor plan of my new home or my remodeling floor plan?

That’s easy. You can email a pdf (preferred) or jpg file to Moni [email protected], or you can upload it to an online service, such as drop box and send Moni the link. You can even create a group on Facebook, add Moni to the group, and upload the image there.

3. How long does the floor plan analysis take?

Moni will have your report ready within 3 days.

4. How will my report for my floor plan analysis be delivered?

Moni will email you a pdf file with all her suggestions annotated on your floor plan. She may redraw or enlarge portions of the floor plan where significant changes are advised so they can be clearly understood and approved by you, your architect, and your builder or contractor. Moni may also upload the report to an online service or to a Facebook group.

5. Will Moni calculate my gua number and work with the compass directions?

No. Moni doesn’t use astrology or numerology to apply the bagua map to a home or to do a Feng Shui floor plan analysis. Moni uses a biology-based version of the bagua map that aligns the bottom of the bagua map with the wall that holds the main door of the home. It works much better!

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