Feng Shui Cures for the Life Areas E-Book and MP3 Recording

Are you ready to be happy?

Experience More Love, Joy and Bliss...

Life is forever changing and presenting challenges to us.

For every different challenge we need varying moods and attitudes: to go forward in life, to understand people around you, to be able to transcend difficulties, to live and let others live in happiness... it's all modeled in the natural world.

The section of the manual that addresses the Five Western Elements provides you with images and artwork that contain healing frequencies to help you achieve the fluidity of water, the groundedness of earth, the passion of fire, and the clarity of air.

Are you ready to be healthy?

Gain Access to the Ideal Blueprint... The original design of all that comprises you (your mind, body and soul) is perfect and complete.

Eastern Five Elements Theory is an excellent starting point to lay down the spiritual groundwork that can allow you to manifest a healthier you. This manual is very easy to use.

Bill Austin encoded the healing frequencies of the Five Eastern Elements in his wonderful artwork so you can get the spiritual benefits by looking at and interacting with this work.

Monica P. Castaneda provides healing templates based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Feng Shui templates based on the elements.

Monica also included an extensive chart with information on the five elements and their relationships to your body's organs, systems and emotions.

Moni Castaneda

My name is Moni and I have made it my mission to take the confusion out of Feng Shui.

I help people turn their current homes into dream homes, where they can be happy with the people they love using a method I created called the Nine Steps to Feng Shui® System. 

My signature method draws on my modern architecture training, ancient East Asian space arrangement techniques and the principles of alternative healing. The application of this method results in a home that is a supportive partner.

I work closely with my clients to make the right choices in creating a beautiful home, primed to make wonderful memories and flowing with good chi.

The result of studying or working with me is a life you love in a home that you're proud to show.

Bill Austin

I am a spiritual healer, teacher, artist, writer and visionary. I live in Holiday, Florida in the United States and have been working as a healer full time for over eleven years. I am the founder of several energy healing modalities, the author of seven books and have trained healers in over sixteen countries. I am often called a healer's healer since most of my clients are healers as well.

I offer a wide variety of powerful, user friendly clearing and healing tools and healing support programs to empower healers, empaths and lightworkers to get clear, reclaim their power, heal their relationship with money, forgive and release their past, get into their heart and stop taking on other people's stuff!

What You Get

  • An E-Book on PDF format with Feng Shui clearing and healing images for the Five Eastern and the Five Western Elements.
  • An MP3 recording with spiritual and energetic activations for the five elements of the East and West recorded by Bill.
  • An MP3 recording with a meditation for healing with the five elements recorded by Moni.

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