Feng Shui Cures for the Life Areas
E-Book and MP3 Recordings

One of the quickest, easiest and most user-friendly ways to upgrade your life is to upgrade your home. Your home is a symbol and physical manifestation of your thoughts, feelings and attitudes.

As you upgrade your home energetically, you automatically upgrade your thoughts, feelings and attitudes, so that you can break out of your past patterns and begin to attract and create a higher quality of life for yourself and your loved ones. It is similar to spring cleaning - after you clean up your home thoroughly or declutter a room you often feel refreshed energetically as well. By bringing in a higher level of order and structure to your outer world you enhance the clarity and quality of your inner world.

Feng Shui is one of the oldest forms of spiritual healing on the planet. Your home impacts not only how you feel about yourself and your life, but it also influences the quality of your life.

Feng Shui master teacher Monica Castaneda and spiritual healer and artist Bill Austin have teamed up to create a Feng Shui healing manual to assist people in healing the Nine Life Areas of the Chinese Ba-Gua map. Each house has nine life areas associated with the floorplan (blueprint or birds-eye-view). For each of these we have included a detailed description, two healing images, and a list of affirmations. As you work your way through the manual and you begin to raise the vibration of your home, you also begin to heal the aspects of yourself that are represented in and impacted by the nine life areas.

Read this manual and as you work with the images and affirmations - allow the combined energies from this to help you to create a more tranquil, balanced, harmonious living space for yourself, that will continue to generate healing for yourself and your loved ones for many years to come.

Monica P. Castaneda (Moni) and Bill Austin have created a fantastic set of affirmations for the Nine Life Areas in Feng Shui. There are two sets of recordings for the nine life areas affirmations. One of them read by Bill Austin that includes all of the affirmations for the nine life areas, and another one read by Moni which has separate recordings for each of the life areas, so that you can listen repeatedly to the affirmations for one life area at a time.

The affirmations are listed in the book and have the intent of the Universal Clearing Profile, a spiritual healing modality developed by Bill Austin, to assist listeners in clearing and healing each of their life areas

  • Introduction to Affirmations by Bill
  • Bill's Reading of All Affirmations
  • Career, Life Mission, Individuality – Intent
  • Career, Life Mission, Individuality – Affirmations
  • Marriage, Relationships and Partnerships – Intent
  • Marriage, Relationships and Partnerships – Affirmations
  • Health, Family and Community – Intent
  • Health, Family and Community – Affirmations
  • Wealth, Prosperity and Self Worth – Intent
  • Wealth, Prosperity and Self Worth – Affirmations
  • Center of Good Fortune and Gratitude – Intent
  • Center of Good Fortune and Gratitude – Affirmations
  • Helpful People, Spiritual Life and Travel – Intent
  • Helpful People, Spiritual Life and Travel – Affirmations
  • Children, Creativity and Fun – Intent
  • Children, Creativity and Fun – Affirmations
  • Wisdom, Self–Knowledge and Rest – Intent
  • Wisdom, Self–Knowledge and Rest – Affirmations
  • Fame, Reputation and Social Life – Intent
  • Fame, Reputation and Social Life – Affirmations

Moni Castaneda

My name is Moni and I have made it my mission to take the confusion out of Feng Shui.

I help people turn their current homes into dream homes, where they can be happy with the people they love using a method I created called the Nine Steps to Feng Shui® System. 

My signature method draws on my modern architecture training, ancient East Asian space arrangement techniques and the principles of alternative healing. The application of this method results in a home that is a supportive partner.

I work closely with my clients to make the right choices in creating a beautiful home, primed to make wonderful memories and flowing with good chi.

The result of studying or working with me is a life you love in a home that you're proud to show.

Bill Austin

I am a spiritual healer, teacher, artist, writer and visionary. I live in Holiday, Florida in the United States and have been working as a healer full time for over eleven years. I am the founder of several energy healing modalities, the author of seven books and have trained healers in over sixteen countries. I am often called a healer's healer since most of my clients are healers as well.

I offer a wide variety of powerful, user friendly clearing and healing tools and healing support programs to empower healers, empaths and lightworkers to get clear, reclaim their power, heal their relationship with money, forgive and release their past, get into their heart and stop taking on other people's stuff!

Here's what you get:

  • 1 E-Book on PDF format containing 2 sets of healing and clearing vibrational images and one set of affirmations for each of the Feng Shui nine life areas . This book is printable.
  • 2 sets of recorded affirmations, supercharged with a healing modality to increase their impact. One set is recorded by Bill Austin and one set is recorded by Moni

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